Offset Print Estimating
How does PowerQuote help you make more money?
The #1 money making feature is the written quote. Do you have opportunities to bid on work from new clients? PowerQuote will make you look your best and be more responsive to quote requests. You’ll win more work. Additionally, PowerQuote estimates 6 to 60 quantities, so it’s easy to sell higher quantities.
Unique Job SAVe™ Job Ticket System
We went beyond your computer entries to create a system of cross checks that ensures correct printing. Only PowerQuote provides instructions on the job ticket in a sentence format. Improve communication between estimating and production. Stop production mistakes.
Better Service for Your Existing Clients
Get instant recall of past jobs for quick quotes that improve customer service. Your customers will appreciate placing their orders easily and quickly. Enjoy job management time savings and get orders into production sooner. This is an important way PowerQuote improves your customer service.
PowerQuote’s schedule report reduces washups and setups.
This report (part of the enhanced/receivables module) shows press time, ink, gripper edge and paper for all the work in production. It then sorts them by department so you can easily see where jobs are, when they are due and how long they will take. The result is an easy system to save washups and setups on offset presses.
Profitable Pricing
PowerQuote makes it easy to adjust rates to give accurate cost based estimates that make printing profitable. This system will put you in touch with your costs, help keep them under control and provide accurate estimates.
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